Joe's Page



A question the world wonders over and over.

A question I've Often pondered.

A question that I don't think Has an Answer.

A question that not even the smartest people will ever figure out

Is he an Emotion?

Is he a Thing?

Is he maybe a Verb? and Adjective?

Here Are some Questions I have....

Where the HEll Did Joe Come From?

    You see... everyone else has a story, or I grew up with. Joe, just Appeared.  I don't remember the Grade, or Remember when I knew him, he was just.... there.  And Always causing Havok to those around him.

IS He Real?

    Well, Believe it of not.  He is.  It's a scary thing, that he was released.  I'll admit it.  ... but, somehow, he is like that lovable thing that always keeps coming back, and always leaving before YOU could actually get rid of him yourself.

How the Hell did I become Close to him?

    I really don't know that answer.  I just know that... well, we wasted a lot of time in highschool doing almost nothing.  I guess I could be so close to him as a Prisoner could be to his clostest cellmate, without all the homosexuality parts.  Just, wasting time, and because you spent all that time, you Just clicked.  Somehow, I am even like a brother to him.  DOn't know how, but I am and people know it, and so does he.

So, am I hs friend?

    Of course.  That would be obvious.  He is getting a page, isn't he? ... I bet all wonder why I make fun of him so much.  One, because most that I say is the truth, or a good portion of an evident side of it.  If you knew him... you just understand what I say.  That is what makes him special, although sometimes, it does get really frustrating.  Although, if you get throuh it... things are great.


Now we move on to the most obvious part. The parts we will never understand....

The - Joe Why (HOW) The Hell....


Why the hell did you always act like a nut?

Why the Hell did you always play all the Mario Noises On Mario Cart 64, and Never actually le us get into the game.

Why The Hell did you Want to Show me A Trick At camp? Which Ultimatly Shorted all of Hunter and Tannersville?

How the hell was everything funny... and you could keep laughing.. especially at yourself, for abou hours at a time.

Why the hell was it actualy FUNNY (after you would be laughing at your self for hours) To us?!

Why The Hell did you Make up a lot of stuff about Me At Numerous Occasions In My life?

How the Hell Did we get to be so close?

Why The Hell didn't you sign my yearbook?

How the Hell do you get so many girls?

Why The Hell would you Play Diablo All the Time with the Instant Kill...

Again, why the hell did you listen to the Macaroni song for hours?

Why the hell do you say "Bluh" (BLEH) ?

how the Hell did we Survive ghramm's Class?

Why The Hell did We Piss Des off so much?

How the Hell did we get so close to des??

Why the hell did you get into fights all the time? and that I had to Back you up, and like against bigger peope than me.

how the hell could you say so many cusses in one minute when pissed?

how the hell did you stop saying "Your Mom?"

How the hell do you have a mom like that? Milf! (just playing =) love ya Mrs. B)

How the hell did we always end up in circles between people?

How the Hell did you get your head into our shirt like that on the bus during summer camp to make ou look like mother teresa?

Why the hell was that funny too?

How the hell did you stop screaming "I am the Leopricaun!"

Why the hell did you pick Jared over me?

How the hell we you so good at 007?

How the hell did you go out with my cousin??

How the hell did Nick L make us lauh soooooooo much

Why The Hell do you always shake your head vigurously when you are lauging or getting hyper?

Why the hell did yo let me borrow your Mortal Kombat CD?

How the hell did you beat me in "The Race"

How the hell did you do so good i school?

How the hell did you end up at Zach's house half the time.. you always sorta appeared, it was weird!

How The Hell did I get your shirts?

Why the hell did you let me keep them?

How the hell did you get your magic cards?

(((( how the hell did THAT card always get n your first hand! ))))

Why the hell did you Always just say "Watch" ... and do what I asked, instead of just explaining it to me!

Why the hell were you always so confusing!


ok...all in all though.  Joe was a very good friend when he wants to be.  I have a lot of weird, but good memories when he was round.  He stuck by me more than anyone who was involved with my stuations.  Plus, he always tried at least to do what you asked, and I willadmit that I would demand a lot from him from time to time.  Yet I did demand alot all the same, cuz he knows it as well as I, he was a schemer.  ... a suprising one at that.  He always has an excuse for everything... and when you know him, you know what's real and what's not.  He isn't as bad as poli (poli, come on! Some of yours were.... pretty extreme.  But, Even you Poli were a great friend.. so don't get angry!!!!) as the EXTREMES of the lies, but he has had a few.  I remember oe or two times, I really needed to trust him, and couldn't.  But I remember a lot more when I COULD trust him, and he put himself through a lot for me, good or bad.  Joe at times always seems to dissappear.  Hopefully he won't need to anymore.  We are all getting older, more responsible.  Joe taught me a lot about friendship.  He has taught me that a person doesn't have to be a complete angel for you to be friends with them, and that everyone has their limits.  Forgiving is the best thing to prove a friendship, and we both have forgiven each other for a lot.  so, Hopefully He'll be happy with what I wrote about him.   He really isn't a bad guy at all.  You just.... had to be around to understand.  And that the's the point of these webpages.  ... but, hopefully, I'll have a lot more to add in the future.. and hopefully, I can add some better things abot us too!!!!

Joe, be good! =)

Friends' forever

.. and of course!!!


Just kidding...

Bro ;)