<Will probably scan a pic from yearbook soon>
Ok I know I have other people to write about first but this is soooo incredible relavant and on my mind that I have to write SOMETHING about this before I chicken out to document this.
Well. It’s been two days and I gave her my letter. Something I should have done probably over a year ago or even four.it’s stupid really. I’m about to go off to SUNY Albany next year and all I can think of is that stupid letter. College or a girl? Should be an easy answer... Well she knows now and that is what is important to me right now. I feel like it’s one of those moments that I should have the ability to time Travel and do something, go back in time, hang out with a different “crew” of people just so like, I would know her better. Going to a small school is weird. You know everyone yet when it’s all over you don’t have any attachment because you have been around the same 200 people your whole life. Matt left for the city but we are still friends and that is because something happened to really test our friendship. The only thing that happened with me and her is that…. Well… I gave her a letter. We never ever in my entire life of knowing her EVER hung out one on one. We never saw a movie or took a walk or anything. Yet I have kissed her in TWO plays. How does that make any kind of sense? I’ve kissed a girl who I have had a crush on forever with… I should be happy right? Yes. I should. If I was that shallow. They were nothing because there was nothing behind it. She had a boyfriend and that’s all that matters. They’ll probably become highschool sweethearts anyway that’s how school works anyway.
This is stupid stuff and I know I would will get a lot of crap if anyone ever actually sees this but I don’t really care anymore. I learned more this year after trying to be myself that no matter what people are going to make fun of you no matter who or what you are. I’ll just be glad come reunion time people remember me. I’ll be glad if she remembers the letter I wrote her. What is horrible is that I made her cry. I’ll never really know why she would cry. I’ll pretend it was because of something good and not because she thought was a pathetic loser or like I said something retarded to hurt her feelings.
Anyway. This is the crappiest website anyway that anyone can ever made and I have it more to document things . and honestly… I’ll probably forget my username and log in info to this in a month. Tops. I’m graduating soon. Man it’s a month already! and Joe Crop is hitting on Violet again so I have to stop that. If they ever hook up I’ll kill him because he always goes after girls that I like.
So. Yeah. Things to say about Kerri. She spells her name with an I and not a Y forget that and you die. She embodies so many little things that I can’t stand about females – smokes, is popular, doesn’t care about school…. But… somehow is endearing enough to make me forget it all. I’ve never spent a single minute with her alone but I’ll never forget any of the moments I did spend with her. I can’t talk straight when she’s around but I do know there is more to her than most people see. I just know that if I ever got the chance to sit outside under the stars and talk about life I'd find so much inside her that even I'd be suprised at. And what is weird is I don't think I liked her at ALL for the longest time. I think I actually disliked her... but I'm not quite sure. Too bad. Oh. And we kissed. Like… a bazillion times… but she’ll never think of it like that because it was in a school play. She for me will be that girl that I should have went for but didn't. I just hope that everyone has that person and deals with the fact that they fail. Or. who knows maybe one day she'll decide to go to SUNY Albany and I'll bump into her or something and magic! Haha. Yeah. well. That's thinking for ya. Probably watching too many cartoons.
Kerri's Page <3